Non-oncotic properties of albumin

Albumin is provided of many biological functions not related to its colloid-osmotic properties.

Module overview

Albumin is provided of many biological functions not related to its colloid-osmotic properties.

These non-oncotic functions are strictly related to the peculiar structure of the albumin molecule.  

This module builds on The Albumin Molecule – Structures and Functions.  It provides a deeper dive into the non-oncotic properties of albumin. 

Key Takeaways

  • Albumin is provided of many biological functions not related to its colloid-osmotic properties.
  • These non-oncotic functions are strictly related to the peculiar structure of the albumin molecule.
  • The free Cysteine-34 residue accounts for about 80% of plasma thiol pool with reducing activity.
  • The N-terminal and the multimetal binding sites participate in counteracting the production of free radicals and reactive oxygen species.
  • Clinical and experimental evidence indicate that non-oncotic properties mediate part of the beneficial effects of albumin in patients with decompensated cirrhosis.
  • Based on all previous considerations, albumin is not only a plasma-expander, but it can be considered a drug for these patients.

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